Tag Archives: social media

Clubhouse App - what is it and first experiences


Lately the app clubhouse is getting a lot of attention and traction. Yesterday I download the Clubhouse app on my iPhone and started to explore. I joined a room with my old uni buddy Tjalling Dijkstra and his friend Steven Broghouts called "Welcome Steven". All three of us were new on the platform and started chatting freely. This chat took more than 2 hours.

First experiences

Suddenly my buddy Bas Smit, whom actually approved my request to join Clubhouse, jumped into the room. As he is rather known in the Netherlands, he had a rather big following join him as well. Suddenly the group grew to 50+. We started chatting away and gradually the room grew to 150+ people and the group discussion group to over 10 speakers. We discussed a big array of topics, but the red thread was that we had great fun, joking around and sharing quite some knowledge. Topics like social media, content creating, fashion, entrepreneurship, gaming and many more were discussed. The beauty was though, that everyone was very much giving back and trying to help one another.

Clubhouse App
Credit: Jonatan de Boer

So, what is Clubhouse?

The official description is: "Clubhouse is a new type of social network based on voice—where people around the world come together to talk, listen and learn from each other in real-time."

My definition is: an app with chat rooms, where do you not type but talk. And, you can compare it to a conference call where everyone can eavesdrop.  But, it's more, you can compare it to a conference. You can have one person on stage and a huge crowd listening. It can be a panel discussion with multiple people on stage and taking questions from the crowd. It can also be a group discussion of peers with equal rights and speaking time.

Will it kill podcasting?

I do not think Clubhouse will kill podcasting, I do not even see it as a subtitute, but complementary to it.  So, why does it get so much traction I hear your asking? Firstly, because I think people during these weird COVID-19 times and lockdowns cravey human interaction. Obviously voice is better than text and voice only is less confronting than video calls. It is like podcasting a create medium to share knowledge, but where podcasts lack interaction, Clubhouse is all about interaction with the crowd. I would really call it a summit/conference/get-together on your phone.

How does the Clubhouse app work?

For now it is only available for iPhone and by invitation only. The founders want the platform to grow gradually and in a qualitative manner. You have to register with your mobile phone number. You can link your Twitter and Instagram handle. You can choose your own handle, but always have to enter your real first and last name. The bio can be as long or short as you want. Tip: be creative, use enters & emoticons. You can't chat in the app. You can follow others. You can create rooms and discuss any topic you want. You can stream real-time and plan one ahead. While you listen you can navigate within the app, but also on your phone using other apps. It works also very good on your carkit.

Next steps

After a very cool experience last night I logged in the Clubhouse app this morning to see how much traffic there was in the morning and engagement. The funny thing was I joined a Dutch group with a fellow Clubhouser from last night, had a quick chat and left as I was about to get into my first meeting of the day. Later on the day I logged on again and found some new groups, hosted by other Clubhouser that were part of our group last night and got inspired to share knowledge about the app and their journey to become an entrepreneur.

I am planning to experiment with setting up a few rooms on the Clubhouse app soon. I was thinking of setting up the following rooms evolving around these topics:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Talking Wristwatches
  • Designing Jewelry
  • Diamond Industry
  • Giving back to the community

I would love to hear your experiences with the Clubhouse app and/or what rooms you would like me to set up. And, if there is someone that wishes to team up and create a room together, please send me a message.

Have an awesome day!


P.S. My handle on Clubhouse is @alonbj 🙂

#Clubhouse #ClubhouseApp #Podcast #SocialMedia #SocialNetwork

Instagram Game #DefenderChallenge

Recently I stumbled upon a social media game on Instagram named #DefenderChallenge and I started to join in.

Both Chantalle Shemie and Dale Vito Boom have a deep love for the iconic Land Rover Defender cars and to share the love they both took snapshots of Defenders on the street. As a joke they started to tag each other and starting using the hashtag #DefenderChallange to keep score who encounters more Defender cars on the road.

@cshemie on Instagram

Their passion is so infectious, that more people started joining and are playing this game with them. I decided to write a blog post about it for two reasons:

1. None of the players actually own a Defender vehicle.
2. The power of social media.

Usually people use social media to show off what and how much they own. But this initiative by Shemie and Boom was created spontaneous and comes from a deep love for the car. When asking the founders of the game where their love comes from, they answered:

"Ever since I am a child I a crazy about Africa, wildlife and safari's. And, a safari is not complete without a big old school Land Rover Defender to find wildlife during a safari in Africa. I have had the opportunity to spend a month in the bush and the Defender is not only beautiful and handy, but actually a necessity, a true lifesaver." says Chantalle Shemie. She continues and indicates that: "Although you don't actually need a Defender is a flat country like the Netherlands, I am saving up to buy an vintage Defender here. It will be my piece of Africa in Holland."

Chantalle Shemie

Dale Vito Boom comes from a totally different angle and he states: "Since my childhood I am crazy about art and design. My greatest passion is vintage watches, which are marvelous pieces of art and often design icons. What I love about vintage watches is that usually form follows function. This is definitely true for the Defender. I hope to own one some day."

Dale Vito Boom

From these short quotes we can conclude that although both do not own a Defender today, they are actually planning to own one in the near future. Which leads me to the second reason I wrote this post: the power of social media.
Although both Shemie and Boom do not own the car, their passion for it is so infectious that the bug infected their friends on Instagram to join in and play the game too (including me - I love this car too every since I am a child). This shows how powerful and sincere social media can be. And, what a fantastic pool of knowledge and data this can be for brands. And, that is why I love social media. Besides that it is great fun.

It's interesting to note that when I asked both Shemie and Boom if Land Rover liked, regrammed or commented on their posts, they both said the had no reaction whatsoever from the brand. It important to note that they both actually tagged several official accounts of Land Rover in the pictures.

Land Rover Defender by @rhphotographie

Message to Land Rover:
Please wake up! Embrace these future Defender owners! They are already your brand ambassadors.

Make sure to follow Chantalle via: @cshemie and Dale via: @dalevintage (ask permission) or via his open account @dalevito (no Defenders though).


Internationale eFulfillment van omnichannel juweliers

Luxemerken zijn nog steeds passief met eCommerce, maar de statische houding kan deze merken duur te komen te staan. Veel mensen vragen zich af of er daadwerkelijk horloges en sieraden online gekocht worden en dus verkocht worden door etailers. Maar wat veel mensen niet weten is dat Amazon bijna net zo veel horloges en sieraden verkopen als de grootste pure player Bluenile.com die jaarlijks ruim 400 miljoen dollar omzetten.

Ondanks dat luxemerken nog steeds passief zijn met hun eCommerce strategie, zijn sinds het begin van deze eeuw horloges en juwelen met bedragen van ruim 5.000 altijd online te koop geweest. En, deze markt groeit heel rap. Tot 2008, het jaar dat AceJewelers.com live ging als eBoutique, verboden de luxemerken hun officiële dealers online te verkopen. Dit geldt nog steeds voor alle dealers van de luxemerken buiten de EU. De uitzondering is geldig voor officiële dealers van deze luxemerken in de EU, dankzij een uitspraak van de Europese Commissie onder leiding van Neelie Kroes.


Heritage 1881 Hong Kong Shopping Mall


To eCommerce, Or Not To eCommerce
De reden dat luxemerken, zoals Chanel, Fendi en Rolex, zo fel gekant zijn tegen ecommerce is omdat ze vinden dat de exclusiviteit van hun merken aangetast wordt en dat het namaak in de hand werkt. De creatieve directeur van Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld, heeft in 2009 aangegeven: “The Internet does not convey the unique feel and sophistication of luxury materials, refined tailoring and extraordinary attention to detail found in luxury fashion. Shopping for high fashion required a ‘multi-sensory environment’.”
Maar visies en opinies veranderen rap en zelfs Lagerfeld is overstag. Tijdens LeWeb 2011 [VIDEO] heeft Lagerfeld aangekondigd zijn eigen merk Karl Lagerfeld online verkocht ging worden via pure player Net-a-porter.com. De laatste twee jaar zijn veel merken overstag gegaan en keuren goed dat officiële (brick and mortar) retailers hun merken online mogen verkopen. Uiteraard zijn de merken ook gestart met het zelf verkopen via hun eigen websites. Tegenwoordig is het mogelijk een: Cartier juweel, Louis Vuitton tas, TAG Heuer horloge en Gucci outfit online te bestellen bij de merken zelf. Wel is frappant dat buiten de EU de luxemerken de retailers geen goedkeuring geven om online te mogen verkopen en het zelf wel doen.


Karl Lagerfeld sold online at net-a-porter.com


Het is niet meer de vraag of luxemerken online moeten verkopen. En, het is ook niet meer de vraag of consumenten online luxe goederen willen aanschaffen. Nu is de vraag geworden: wat is de meest efficiënte manier om online luxe goederen te verkopen? Veel merken hebben geen of slechts gemiddeld tien jaar ervaring met retail (via eigen mon-brand winkels) en hebben amper ervaring met eCommerce. Richemont, moedermaatschappij van onder andere: Cartier, Montblanc, IWC, Panerai en nog veertien luxemerken, heeft eerder genoemde pure player Net-a-porter.com gekocht. Waarschijnlijk vanwege de know how van deze eBoutique, die als eerste premium modemerken online verkocht. Dus veel merken en retailers zou nog zoekende naar de beste modus. Er is in de luxe branche nog steeds sprake van een kanaalconflict, die in sommige branches wel al is uitgevochten en/of uitgekristalliseerd is. Daarbij worstelen luxemerken met geografische distributiemodellen, waar eCommerce liever natuurlijk geen rekening mee houdt. Dan komen er nog belangrijke zaken bij zoals: vreemde valuta, nationale BTW tarieven, importheffingen, vervoerders die geen hoge waardes aannemen, verzekeringen, retouren, persoonlijke contact centra, after sales service en omnichannel integratie. Kortom, het hele traject vanaf het moment dat de consument op de koopknop heeft gedrukt in een eBoutique tot aan de aflevering. Dit kan men samenvatten als eFulfilment.


Screen shot AceJewelers.com


Omnichannel juweliers
De Ace Luxury Group is zo een retailer die zich getransformeerd heeft van een ‘old school’ retailer met uitsluitend brick-and-mortar winkels naar een ‘new school’ omnichannel retailer die naast de fysieke winkels ook webshops opereert. Plus daarnaast een apart platform voor mCommerce opereert, actief is op social media en tot slot ook een boek (luxe catalogus) uitgeeft, dus voldoet aan de zogenaamde: bricks, clicks, ticks, smicks en flicks. Ace & Spyer Juweliers, opgericht in 1729, is de oudste juwelier van Amsterdam en was de eerste juwelier in Nederland die in 2008 een eBoutique starte voor luxe goederen. De horloges en sieraden werden meteen in twee talen gepresenteerd en wereldwijd verkocht. Vandaag bestaat de Ace Luxury Group uit drie fysieke winkels in Amsterdam (Ace & Dik Juweliers, Ace & Spyer Juweliers en Ace Trends) en drie eBoutiques (AceJewelers.com, AceTrends.com en AceEyewear.com), met bijbehorende mobile en social media strategieën. De websites houden rekening met Euro’s, Amerikaanse Dollars en Britse Ponden en maken onderscheid in prijs tussen een EU-consument (prijzen met BTW) en een niet-EU consument (BTW vrij winkelen).


Alon Ben Joseph


Alon Ben Joseph is een ondernemer met grote passie voor horloges, sieraden, diamanten en internet. Als eigenaar en directeur van de Ace Luxury Group was hij de eerste luxe juwelier in Nederland die een eBoutique lanceerde die officieel van de luxemerken online mocht verkopen in 2008. Deze passie worden vaak gedeeld tijdens vakgerelateerde evenementen, voor zowel juweliers, retailers als internet vakidioten.

Nodig Alon Ben Joseph uit om te komen spreken tijdens een evenement.